Rick Warren, Dr. Oz, and the Dangers of the Daniel Plan

submitted by acbntv on 08/20/15 1

Remember to subscribe to our channel to keep up to date on when our new videos are ready! Crosstalk America Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/crosstalkamerica Host: Ingrid Schlueter Guest: Jennifer Pekich Show Page: bit.ly/ii4ORN Jennifer Pekich is a writer, researcher and stay at home mother who has been married for 19 years. She describes herself as a born-again believer in Jesus Christ who is committed to protecting and defending the Christian faith. Greatly inspired by 1 Peter 3:15, her entering the "blogosphere" was born out of her family's personal experience of leaving a church due to false teaching. Ingrid opens this edition of Crosstalk describing what we've seen up until recently from Rick Warren and the Purpose Driven Movement. With the help of his Purpose Driven books, Warren has convinced many Christians to initiate radical changes to the church ranging from thematic preaching and rock music to a more corporate style of church leadership. Warren's latest project is a 52 week health and fitness program known as "The Daniel Plan". But one must wonder what Pastor Warren is up to when in promoting the plan, he relies on individuals such as Daniel Amen, Mark Hyman and Mehmet Oz. Why should these men cause "red flags" to come up for Christians? Jennifer attended the Daniel Plan kick-off gathering on January 15. From her notes she shares how from Kundalini Yoga to Transcendental Meditation, these men are steeped in Eastern mysticism and the occult. In addition, through it all, numerous U.N. buzz-phrases could be heard; phrases such as "sustainable living", :smart growth", "public-private partnerships" and more. Are Rick Warren and his associates attempting to restructure the church and society by warming Christians up to a fanciful sounding global plan? Decide for yourself when you review this edition of Crosstalk. More Information Jennifer Pekich's blog: www.ponderingsfrompatmos.blogspot.com Rick Warren Introduces the Devil Plan. An article by Marsha West: www.renewamerica.com/columns/mwest/110124 A first-hand account of the Daniel Plan kick-off gathering at Saddleback Church by Jennifer Pekich: www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=5636 To order this program on CD for a donation of $6.00 Online: www.crosstalkamerica.com/store/product.php?productid=1765&cat=46&page=1 By mail: Crosstalk 3434 W. Kilbourn Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53208 By phone: 1-800-729-9829 M-F 8am-5pm Central VCY America's "In Focus"; Milwaukee's only live, prime-time TV call-in show Watch it LIVE 7pm-8pm Mon, Tue and Wed at www.vcyamerica.org/infocuslive Or watch archived episodes at vimeo.com/channels/178642

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