Jack Van Impe Chrislam Rick Warren False teaching One World Religion Emerging

submitted by acbntv on 08/20/15 1

2015 Chrislam Warren False teaching Chrislam One World Religion Emerging Final Hour end times last days prophecy update 2014 Breaking News CHRISLAM is false teaching unbiblical ISLAM rejects truth Jesus is God and savior - last days end times news update Rick Warren false teaching endorses CHRISLAM. Last days final hour news prophecy update Breaking News WARNING BEWARE of Resurgence conference in November 2013 with Greg Laurie of Harvest Crusades Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with the false teachings of Rick Warren - see for yourself - www.youtube.com/watch?v=6skAkA... - false teaching guard yourself from wolves in sheep clothing final hour deception with major evangelical pastors leading the flock astray - Resurgence 2013 conference with Rick Warren, Mark Driscoll false teaching emergent church, Greg Laurie - Deception in the last hour that we are in... 1 Timothy 4 Rick Warren false teaching purpose driven life and endorcing false teaching of emerging church www.youtube.com/watch?v=29H3zO... CHRISLAM DOCUMENTATION THE OFFICIAL YALE UNIVERSITY COVENANT SIGNED BY RICK WARREN. This is proof positive that Rick Warren is a signed partner in promoting the Covenant between Islam and our Jehovah God as one God now named "Chrislam. While thousands of Arabs and former Islamic believers are coming to Christ and experiencing forgiveness and the "New Birth" by the Cross, American Apostate ministers are turning to Chrislam. Signitures: Rick Warren, Founder and Senior Pastor, Saddleback Church, and The false teaching Purpose Driven Life, Lake Forest, CA Brian D. McLaren, Author, Speaker, Activist - false teaching EMERGENT CHURCH endorsed by Rick Warren Rev. Dr. Robert Schuller, Founder, Crystal Cathedral and Hour of Power Full Title and document at: www.yale.edu/faith/acw/acw.htm Check the large list of names at www.yale.edu/faith/acw/acw.htm 130+ Islam signatures A Common Word Between Us/Christians and You/ISLAM identifies some core common ground between Christianity and Islam which lies at the heart of our respective faiths as well as at the heart of the most ancient Abrahamic faith, Judaism. Jesus Christ's call to love God and neighbor was rooted in the divine revelation to the people of Israel embodied in the Torah (Deuteronomy 6:5; Leviticus 19:18). We receive the open letter as a Muslim hand of conviviality and cooperation extended to Christians worldwide. In this response we extend our own Christian hand in return, so that together with all other human beings we may live in peace and justice as we seek to love God and our neighbors. WHAT? ASK FORGIVENES TO ALLAH we want to begin by acknowledging that in the past (e.g. in the Crusades) and in the present (e.g. in excesses of the "war on terror") many Christians have been guilty of sinning against our Muslim neighbors. Before we "shake your hand" in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world. Religious Peace—World Peace IS RICK WARREN SEEKING TO USHER IN A FALSE PEACE THE BIBLE SAYS SUDDEN DESTRUCTION AND ISLAM WILL LEAD THE WAY FOR THE 12TH IMAM Muslims and Christians together make up well over half of the world's population. Without peace and justice between these two religious communities, there can be no meaningful peace in the world." Though tensions, conflicts, and even wars in which Christians and Muslims stand against each other are not primarily religious in character, they possess an undeniable religious dimension. YOU CAN NOT HAVE PEACE WITH ISLAM LOOK AT ISRAEL AND PALESTINIANS WITH ISRAEL SEEKING PEACE If we can achieve religious peace between these two religious communities, peace in the world will clearly be easier to attain. It is therefore no exaggeration to say, as you have in A Common Word Between Us and You, that "the future of the world depends on peace between Muslims and Christians." Common Ground HERE IS A CHRISLAM STATEMENT EMBRACE EACHOTHERS BELIEFS AS OUR OWN - Surprisingly for many Christians, your letter considers the dual command of love to be the foundational principle not just of the Christian faith, but of Islam as well. That so much common ground exists -- common ground in some of the fundamentals of faith. Love of God - We applaud that A Common Word Between Us/Christians and You/ISLAM stresses so insistently the unique devotion to one God,

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