Revelation 3:9 clearly points out that there are some people who are not Jews but claim that they are Jews. It is obvious that these people are fake Jews. Besides, the Bible says these people are not only liars but also a synagogue of Satan. The people of God do God's work. The Synagogue of Satan , of course, do Satan's work. The Bible says that there is really the synagogue of Satan. So, are you interested to know who these people are and what they are doing for Satan in the world today? Satan imitates God's plan in the world. Satan chooses the fake Jews as its people from whom a false messiah will be elected. The false messiah will successfully sit on his throne in Mount Zion of Jerusalem and rule the earth for three and half a years after the Battle of Armageddon of World War 3. Its reign is short because Satan, the beast, the false prophet and the synagogue of Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire when Jesus Christ comes.