Stress Management - presented by Kit Welchlin

submitted by Spirit of Success on 08/17/15 1

Stress is that wear and tear on life. You get alarmed when things don't go you way. You respond by either the flight or fight mechanism. You will of course be tired and exhausted no matter how well or poorly your day went. You will sometimes, as discussed above, will find yourself burned-out. But, if we pay attention, we can see this burnout coming. Stages of burnout: Fatigue, you're very tired Psychological fatigue - mindlessness or thoughtlessness Spiritual fatigue - sense of helplessness, hopelessness, don't want to go to work anymore, or loss of confidence To avoid burnout or, when necessary, to get yourself out of being burned-out, follow these strategies: Get organized - There is a place for everything and everything in its place Be well-fed (eat your fruits and vegetables), well-rested (get at least 7hrs and 15mins of sleep each night), and well-exercised (get on some routine to keep you active and moving) Deep breathing - inhale for 5 seconds, exhale slowly for 10 seconds Have a hobby - something that is significantly different than what you do on the job Smile and laugh! Think of yourself as self-employed - way your talents and abilities and determine how valuable you are to the organization you work for or the next one Positive visualization and positive affirmation - Repeat to yourself: "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and dog-on-it people like me!" Get in the habit of saying "At least." - If things aren't going well at work, say "at least I...still have a job." Give yourself a nickname that you like Follow these strategies and you will be able to jump that hurdle and keep your stress levels well managed. For more on Stress Management, visit Kit Welchlin's site to see another clip of his presentation on Stress, Time & Procrastination: Are You A Burnout?

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