Bishop Oyedepo:Covenant Day Of Prosperity April 26,2015

submitted by acbntv on 08/17/15 1

ANOINTED & POWER PACKED LIVE MINISTRATION BY BISHOP DAVID O. OYEDEPO @ Living Faith Church[Winners Chapel Int'L]Canaan Land Sango Ota Nigeria.TODAY IS COVENANT DAY OF PROSPERITY+THANKSGIVING + MARRIAGES+CHILDREN DEDICATION SERVICE STREAMING LIVE:1st,2nd,3rd 4th Services.Sunday April 26,2015. MESSAGE:ENCOUNTER WITH THE SPIRIT OF FAITH.JUDE 3 Hebrews 11:33,34,.It is the spirit of faith that establishes our dominion on the earth. It is the only way for heaven on earth to be realized. What is unique about the Spirit of Faith 1.Empowers us to believe all things Acts 24:14 John 1:12 It takes the spirit of faith to dislodge the spirit of fear. 2.It is a speaking spirit.It speaks the unspeakable through you.Matthew 10:20 The spirit of faith subdues the forces of darkness and what he says he never doubt. The spirit is an ever winning spirit. 3.It releases you into the peace of God-inexplanable rest. Hebrews 4:3,Psalm 46:10,Ex 14:14 4.It unleashes diverse manifestations jn 6:26 j 14:12.It triggers the supernatural. How to encounter the Spirit of Faith 1.A thirst,a panting and a 63:1,2 Isa 44:3&4 2.An impartation Mark 1:12 3.You need the Word to keep the fire burning.Lev. 6:12 THE PROSPERITY PLAN DOES NOT ANSWER TO PRAYERS. IT IS ANCHORED IN THE COVENANT-GENESIS 8:18,22 Jer. 33:20,21.Job 22:21-22.A covenant is deed enacted based on well defined terms sealed with an oath-Heb 6:14,15 Phill 4:18,19 THE PROSPERITY PLAN IS ANCHORED IN THE LAW OF GIVING & RECEIVING-2 Corinthians.9:6 2 Cor 8:1-3,5,7,John 10:17,18 THE TITHE-Faithful tithing is the gateway to financial blessings. Tithing secures the blessing and rebukes the devourer for your sake. Malachi 3:10,11-10% of income.Lev 27:30,Deuteronomy 14:22,Matt 23:23 Hebrews 7:7,8 RECEIVE GRACE TO BE A TIRELESS DELIGHTSOME EXCITED GIVER! PROVERBS 10:22-THE BLESSINGS OF THE LORD MAKETH RICH AND ADDED NO SORROW WITH IT. RECEIVE THE GIVERS EMPOWERMENT TODAY-AN OPEN HEAVEN NOW IN JESUS NAME.AMEN-------BISHOP DAVID OYEDEPO. The shield of faith is unquenchable by evil.We have a responsibility to keep that spirit of faith alive and working by feeding on the word.God's Word is what the spirit of faith feeds on.It draws it's strength and energy from God's Word.You can quench it by starving it.YOU MUST FEED ON THE WORD OF GOD OR YOU QUENCH THE SPIRIT OF FAITH.It is like a spiritual aircraft,it has to be maintained or it will be grounded.RECEIVE GRACE for the spirit of grace & keep it working in jesus name! Our You tube Channel remains passionate in ADVANCING GOD'S KINGDOM ON THE EARTH BY by spreading and pushing out the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST to all nations of the earth! GOD'S BLESSINGS AND FAVOR TO YOU ALL WHO WATCH OUR VIDEOS.We pray that every lost and dying soul be redeemed by the saving GRACE IN GOD'S WORD through THE PREACHING &TEACHING OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. You can go to our YouTube channel to subscribe to automatically see when new videos are uploaded. If you support what we are doing then please share these videos with your friends so that we can spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations of the earth. Click the youtube icon at the top of every page to go directly to our youtube channel! PLEASE LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, FOLLOW,TWEET @ LINKS BELOW. Follow/GOOGLE+: Follow/TWITTER: Like/ Follow// Follow PINS Please ALSO follow this link to our Sister Channel @ Remain super abundantly blessed as you SUBSCRIBE AND WATCH OUR CHANNEL! LOVE,THANKS & BLESSINGS TO DOMI MEDIA! #2015 HEAVEN ON EARTH WONDERS WITHOUT END!

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