AVAILABLE ON ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/au/album/all-of-me/id829744461?i=829744466 'All Of Me' originally by John Legend performed by Second Avenue (Tom Harrigan & Ryan Fisk). Hey guys! Check out our cover of 'All Of Me' by John Legend, we've had a bunch of requests to do this one over the past few months and we love this song, so here it is! Hope you enjoy it! :D If you do feel free to thumbs up and share it around for us! Thank you so much for all your ongoing support, means the world to us! YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/OfficialSecondAvenue FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/SecondAvenueMusic TWITTER: www.twitter.com/SecondAveMusic www.twitter.com/Tommy_Harrigan www.twitter.com/RyanWDFisk REVERBNATION: www.reverbnation.com/SecondAvenueMusic INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/tommy_harrigan www.instagram.com/fisky2 Music Partners: www.whitewashmusic.com Song recorded by Tom Harrigan & Ryan Fisk Produced by Tom Harrigan Video filmed by Tom Harrigan, Ryan Fisk & Oliver Harrigan Edited and Produced by Tom Harrigan & Ryan Fisk