Thinking of visiting the idyllic city of Venice Italy? Maybe just watch this one minute video and call it a day instead. We knew going into Venice that it was known to be a giant tourist trap. What we didn't imagine was the ridiculous amount of people....everywhere..... Buses, Boats, Gondolas, you take your pick. Sure, its a neat town in the way its designed with the waterways and boats coming and going constantly. However, if you have the slightest intolerance to crowds, do yourself a favor and sit this town out. Rather we'd suggest maybe visiting Annecy France (The Venice of The Alps) This is a much more enjoyable town, with a fraction of the people and the water is actually clean..... Fellow travelers have often told us that people either love Venice or hate it.... After our crammed in like sardines bus ride from just outside the city and into Venice proper, we immediately noticed the four cruise ships docked. At this moment we knew it would be a zoo and it was nothing less. We have also been told that the city is a lot more tolerable and even fun at night when the cruisers return to their ships. Maybe this is true, but we never made it past 7pm in the city, because 5 hours was more than enough for us. We even tried returning a second day early in the morning to "beat the crowds," but this surely didn't help, I guess everyone was on that plan as well. Video By: