Subscribe to the Parents Magazine channel - Make Over Your Morning Routine for Kids: Watch more Back-to-School videos: Watch as Parents gives you this back to school advice! These parents have some tips for making mornings easier, especially those early in the year that are packed with back to school activities. To save time picking out back to school clothes, have your child pick them out the night before. After they get into the habit of this, they won't be as fussy when it comes to more layers or colder weather. Have their snacks, breakfast, and lunches prepared the night before. You could even try setting the breakfast table to make the morning meal less stressful! Have the kids' backpacks ready to go, and have a calm breakfast without television. Make sure you allot plenty of time for the beginning of the daily routine, because younger children, especially, are easily distracted. If they are old enough to be responsible for themselves, help them plan a schedule and stick to it. Even if they need checklists or some guidance at first, it will help them get out the door faster. Eating a healthy breakfast is also a key part of keeping them energized and focused until lunchtime. No matter your parenting styles, the mornings in a daily routine can be smoother with these tips! Official Website: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: GooglePlus: Instagram: