What kind of food can you afford on $1 a day and what does it really mean to be malnourished? Take action and find more resources on the Change Series website: www.livingonone.org/changeseries Cooking without a microwave or stove is harder than we thought! After eating just one bowl of rice and beans every day, we aren't feeling so good and Zach even passes out on the floor. Our neighbor, Rosa Solares, teaches us about how she uses lard and makes tortillas out of corn. Eating more calories every day, we still question whether this diet is giving our neighbors the nutrition they need to be healthy. Is this why Guatemala has one of the highest rates of malnutrition in the world? Produced by Living on One Directed by Hannah Gregg Illustrations by Hannah Gregg Edited by Sean Leonard Narration by Chris Temple Executive Producers Mike Lang David Doss Jeff Klein