I had the opportunity to check out the Bic Flame Disk this past week on beach trip and enjoyed it so much I thought I'd provide a video of it. The Flame Disk is made primarily of solidified corn-based ethanol and burns for about 40 min - 1 hour. All you do is peel the top off, light one of the holes and you're ready to cook in 4-5 minutes. Once it burns out, you just toss it in the trash. Though it's not going to beat out the taste of charcoal in my opinion, the ease of using this, plus the great flavor of the food, will make this a great option if you're looking for a quick and easy option for grilling with little to no setup or cleanup. Check them out on Amazon here: ttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0062QJLSI/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0062QJLSI&linkCode=as2&tag=volleybalus-20 Also more info here: www.grillwithbic.com/flamedisk/howitworks.asp Blog: bbqbros.net Instagram: instagram.com/bbqbros Facebook: www.facebook.com/BBQBrosBlog Twitter: twitter.com/#!/BBQBrosBlog Pinterest: pinterest.com/bbqbros/