Well, here it is, my very first MotoVlog. I'll be totally honest and say it's nothing special, and the sound quality needs a lot of work. I obviously have the mic in the wrong place, right in front of my mouth, which I'm assuming is why it's picking up a lot of wind noise from my nose I think. So please forgive the poor quality, but this really was just meant to be a test and you can't know how and what to improve without trying it out. I'm just glad it actually recorded my voice, although you might not be haha. Obviously any suggestions you might have for improving things will be gratefully appreciated. I've done no editing on this thing, other than clipping the beginning and end a touch in GoPro Studio, I'm hoping to develop that side of things as I progress further into Vlogging. All in all I'm a lot happier with how this turned out than I was expecting to be, purely from the point-of-view of how I come across. And knowing I'll get better doesn't hurt, fingers crossed anyway. And just how many time do I use the word bloody!? So, in the words of a rather large Austrian bloke..."I'll be back."