A LIFE IN BOOKS: The Rise and Fall of Bleu Mobley is an illuminated novel written and designed by Warren Lehrer (2013, Goff Books). The novel includes 101 books within it all written by Lehrer’s protagonist—Bleu Mobley—who finds himself in prison looking back on his life and career. This video provides a glimpse into Bleu Mobley’s first novel —The Switch—about a day on earth when everyone is switched with their number one nemesis.
Bleu wrote The Switch in 1979 after returning from a two year stint as a foreign correspondent reporting on undeclared wars in the Middle East and Central and South America (he quit before being fired for non-objective reporting). As a journalist, it was his job to cover what is. As an ex-journalist, he felt free to imagine what if. He wondered about the blood-boiling enmity of polar opposites that he kept finding in nearly every sphere of life, not only in the war zones he had recently come home from, but in politics, in workplaces, and in families. What if all these “enemies” somehow got their wires crossed, even for only one day? What if flashes of light lit up pockets of acrimony and misunderstanding around the world? Could embittered hearts be opened, or would it make no difference at all? The Switch chronicles three pairs of enemies who come face-to-face every day, and two pairs who have never met but despise the very thought of each other.
Purchase a copy of the book and read more about Bleu Mobley’s life and books:
And find out more about the A Life In Books project, Warren Lehrer, performance/reading tour, contests, etc.:
Animation by Warren Lehrer in collaboration with Mark T. Saintonge.