Supercharge Text Messages Online - Real Lead Generation And Client Conversion with Online SMS!

submitted by kymturner on 07/13/15 1

Want to really speed up your lead generation and get new clients? This video will introduce you to the powerful benefits of using targeted text messages online to drive motivated clients to you....While you're at it why don't you check out all of my other videos, which explain just how we can help you grow your business, sales and profit fast. Visit our channel at And what you should do next is get hold of our simple yet powerful Special Free Report! Simply follow our proven step-by-step sms text message marketing optimisation strategies in our Special Report and you WILL get more free traffic from your online sms. I Guarantee it. Here's The Best Part - The Report is Absolutely FREE! Grab your free "Text Message Marketing For Local Businesses" Report here: Phone 0403 507 300 This report reveals the quickest and easiest ways to grab more free traffic and convert more sales from your text messages online, and beat your local competition. Your "Text Message Marketing For Local Businesses" Report lays all of the strategies out for you in a step-by-step fashion...They are not difficult to follow..but when you understand and use all of them, you will Get More People Reponding To Your sms online..And Convert More SALES! It's definitely 100% Rock-Solid and simple to use sms text message marketing training that you can put to use in your business starting immediately. Grab your free PDF Report here: SMS (Short Message Service) Text Message Marketing is the ability to send "permission-based" text messages to a group of people who have opted-in to your mobile list. The small, yet powerful, 160 character space is one of the best marketing tools available today. With trillions of text messages being sent over the past few years, consumers have adapted to this method extremely well. Not only have they adapted to it, but they are somewhat "addicted" to it. The use of Text Message Marketing is very straightforward; it is a simple case of sending out your company's latest marketing message to your list of mobile phone numbers. Why Text Message Marketing? • Over 6 BILLION Mobile Subscribers (87% of the World Population) • Text messaging is the most-used mobile service - it is the King of Mobile Marketing • Most mobile users send and receive text messages daily • 4.1 billion texts are sent daily in the U.S alone • More than one-half of U.S. mobile spending is LOCAL • Consumers ALWAYS have their mobile devices with them Benefits of Text Message Marketing • Extremely targeted -- Your text marketing campaigns are specifically targeted to your customers and prospects. No other form of marketing can give you this type of instant access to hot buyers. • Permission-based opt-in marketing -- Text messaging is not spam because your list opted-in to receive your messages. As long as you make it easy for them opt-out, there is no problem. Your messages are welcome. • Reliable, Instant Reach - Reach your entire target market at the push of a button. Most text messages are delivered, so your campaigns will reach almost all of your intended parties. • High Open Rates - Most will read the message within minutes of receiving it. More than 90% of text messages are read within the first 5 minutes. • Higher Redemption Rates - Text message offers are redeemed 10 times more often than traditional marketing offers. This alone leads to higher profits and revenue. • Reduce Advertising Costs - Text messaging services are low cost; this, coupled with the high response rate is the perfect recipe to boost your ROI. • Personalized Communication - Communicating with customers one-on-one makes them feel special, which leads to a long-term relationship. • Builds Customer Loyalty -- Loyal customers stick around for a long time. When people do business with those they like and trust, they become life-long customers. • Can Go Viral - Your customers will forward your messages to their family and friends... and they will forward them to their family and friends... building your list even further and you didn't have to do anything extra to get that exposure. There are a plethora of ways to use your mobile devices with text message marketing...All of them using the convenience and instantaneous nature of the mobile world to draw in existing and new customers; leading them to buy more of what you sell! Get Hold Of Our Absolutely FREE Report Today! "Text Message Marketing For Local Businesses" ...It really can multiply your sales Results! Call 0403 507 300 or visit Video Link -

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