Glide Bike Balance Bikes, Mini Glider & Go Glider Glide Bikes are the only way to teach kids how to ride! Pedals and training wheels hinder the learning process of riding a bike, because children can't focus on the first important step -- how to balance. Instead, they are trying to pedal, brake and balance, all at once. Training wheels prevent the bike from leaning, so kids never experience the feeling of balancing themselves, because the training wheels are doing it for them! The average time a child spends riding with training wheels is two to three years. With Glide Bikesâ„¢, kids learn to balance first, with no pedals or training wheels to get in the way. Some children are riding a bike within a day, a week or month. Even after they've learned to ride a pedal bike, they keep coming back to their Glide Bikeâ„¢, because gliding is the new, fun way to ride! Read what Glide Bikesâ„¢ parents have to say! Sized for ages 2-5 with inseam of 12-17" (pant size 2T-5) (Sizing Info) Child's weight up to 100 lbs Lightweight at 8 lbs. for safer maneuvering Durable, alloy frame featuring mountain bike geometry Quick release seat clamp allows easy height adjustments from 12-18.5" Durable 12" EVA foam tires never need air Quick release seat clamp enables easy height adjustments from 12" to 18.5" for proper fit.