Revelation of Truth Chapter 15 - The Fake Saviors (Antichrist)

submitted by Read More About it on 06/19/15 1

Click here to watch Chapter 16 Revelation of Truth - The alien (UFO) deception (Part 1) Illuminati want to bring order through chaos. They are preparing the WW3 after which they will present their savior who will rule the world and establish peace. In every religion people expect a savior to come so it is easy for Illuminati to create a fake savior adjusted to the beliefs of each group. In order to understand what's going on today we need to go back and take a look at the organization called Theosophical Society. This organization is largely responsible for the New Age movement and the political doctrine known as New World Order. One of the beliefs of the New Age movement is that highly evolved beings communicate with humanity. Theosophy and Freemasonry were affiliated at the end of the 19th century. All their plans of deception will be avoided, if their plans get exposed, not only in internet but to people who are offline as well. Click here to watch the whole documentary "Revelation Of Truth" (Playback list) A short summary The Revelation Of Truth Presents various investigators like Alex Jones, David Icke, Webster Tarplay, Max Keizer who are against the New World Order. Politicians like Barak Obama, Nicola Sarkozy, Angela Merkel, Silvio Berlusconi, Herman Van Rompuy, and virtually all leaders in the world today (and all political parties) are aiming towards a New World Order. This is not a conspiracy theory but a reality. And this is happening by a plot of secret societies (the Illuminati) that created the economic collapse (or other crises like 911, swine flu) and will try to start the World War 3, in order to bring chaos. Then the Illuminati will present us with false Messiahs and establish a world government. In the mean time they provide us with propaganda like Nibiru or Planet X, Ufo or aliens or even Anonymous in order to distract us. Realize the deception of religions and understand our true self and the true Nature of our Heavenly Father. The revolution starts from within us...

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