just call me Martha Mothaf*cking Stewart. RJ's "Tin Can Challenge": www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LEclIiyBUA yesterday's vlog: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTi6fd7eRKg make sure to check out our other videos! wanna mail us something? HERE'S THE ADDRESS: Will and RJ P.O. Box 7591 Tallahassee, FL 32314 OUR WEBSITE: www.notadamandsteve.com be sure to like, comment, and SUBSCRIBE! RJ's pchan: www.youtube.com/TheNotAdam Will's pchan: www.youtube.com/ShepSquared districtlines: www.districtlines.com/shep689 facebook: www.facebook.com/shep689page tumblr: shep689.tumblr.com rj4gui4r.tumblr.com the twits: www.twitter.com/shep689 www.twitter.com/rj4gui4r also, if today happens to be your birthday, happy birthday! :)