On this edition of DTRH Popeye covers the major drought going on in California for the past four years. He explains the implications stemming from it like food shortages, water shortages, animal and possible human die offs, and more. Popeye also offers real world solutions to mitigating the effects of the drought like growing your own food. He then presents the evidence that the drought is being caused on purpose via weather modification, and the multiple reasons it would be done. Geoengineering (weather modification) is very real and you are seeing the massive implications of manipulating the weather right now in California. If you are not familiar with just how weather manipulation works take the time to listen to this broadcast. WATCH AND DOWNLOAD THE HD VIDEO HERE: www.federaljack.com/the-california-drought-is-being-created-on-purpose-through-weather-modification/ Popeye's Radio Show YouTube Archive: www.youtube.com/user/DTRHRadioArchives Popeye's Archive Page: www.federaljack.com/dtrh-radio-archives/ DTRH w/ Popeye Downloadable Radio Show Archive: federaljack.com/popeye/ FederalJacktube6 YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/user/FederalJacktube6 Listen Live Page: www.federaljack.com/radio-show-chats/down-the-rabbit-hole-chat/ The Truth Frequency Radio Network: truthfrequencyradio.com/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Fed-Jack/136519313092470?fref=ts Twitter Accounts: twitter.com/FederalJack & twitter.com/DTRH_Popeye