The Book of Revelation Chapter 1

submitted by Read More About it on 06/12/15 1

Length of Video=30:45 (Hebrew) 3045 yada` yaw-dah' a primitive root; to know (properly, to ascertain by seeing); used in a great variety of senses, figuratively, literally, euphemistically and inferentially (including observation, care, recognition; and causatively, instruction, designation, punishment, etc.) (as follow):--acknowledge, acquaintance(-ted with), advise, answer, appoint, assuredly, be aware, (un-)awares, can(-not), certainly, comprehend, consider, X could they, cunning, declare, be diligent, (can, cause to) discern, discover, endued with, familiar friend, famous, feel, can have, be (ig-)norant, instruct, kinsfolk, kinsman, (cause to let, make) know, (come to give, have, take) knowledge, have (knowledge), (be, make, make to be, make self) known, + be learned, + lie by man, mark, perceive, privy to, X prognosticator, regard, have respect, skilful, shew, can (man of) skill, be sure, of a surety, teach, (can) tell, understand, have (understanding), X will be, wist, wit, wot. 3045. liparos lip-ar-os' from lipos (grease); fat, i.e. (figuratively) sumptuous:--dainty. Therefore, the book of Revelation can only be known and understood when one is able to figuratively, literally, euphemistically and inferentially observe and recognize the causative chain of communication of the book in light of the intent of the vision's instruction and what has been designated in terms of the punishments to be meted out to those who have transgressed the commandments of the Most High and rejected the testimony of Yahoshua ha Mashiyach. In addition, it only through the Spirit, which leads souls to receive the inheritance of splendid exquisiteness, according to the Word of Elohim, which is pleasing to the taste of those who have with delicate discrimination, that one is able to ascertain the distinction between righteousness and wickedness, with a particular fastidiousness and critical reasoning, and then enjoy the fat of the Life and Land promised to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Selah...

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