Disclosure of Alien Agenda | ET Invasion Underway | TRUTH REVEALED

submitted by Read More About it on 06/10/15 1

URGENT: Get the truth on UFOs and Disclosure. Understand the "Alien Agenda", who they are and what they want... www.alliesofhumanity.org www.alieninvasion.org extraterrestrial-life.org/ www.ufoabduction.com richarddolanpress.com www.whale.to/b/turner_h.html www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKbOpTMmnNg 1. Humanity's destiny is to emerge into and to engage with a Greater Community of intelligent life in the Universe. 2. Contact with other forms of intelligent life represents the greatest threshold that humanity has ever faced. The results of this Contact will determine humanity's future for generations to come. This Contact is happening now. 3. Humanity is unprepared for Contact. Researchers are still unable to clearly see who is visiting our world and why. Governments are not revealing what they know, and most people are still in denial that this phenomenon is even occurring. 4. Because of this lack of preparation, humanity's true allies sent representatives to a location near Earth to observe the extraterrestrial presence and activities within our world. The Allies of Humanity Briefings represent their report. 5. The Briefings reveal that our world is undergoing an extraterrestrial Intervention by forces that, as demonstrated by their actions, are here to subvert human authority and to integrate into human societies for their own advantage. These forces represent non-military organizations that are here to seek human and biological resources. The Allies refer to these forces as the "Collectives." The Collectives do not value human freedom. 6. Because the Intervention is being carried out by small groups of intervening forces, it must rely primarily upon deception and persuasion to achieve its goals. The Allies Briefings describe in detail how this is being accomplished and what we must do to stop it. 7. This extraterrestrial Intervention is being focused in four arenas:: • It is influencing individuals in positions of power and authority to cooperate with the Intervention through the promise of greater wealth, power & technology • It is creating hidden establishments in the world from which the Intervention can exert its influence in the Mental Environment, seeking to make people everywhere open and compliant to its will through a "Pacification Program" • It is manipulating our religious values and impulses in order to gain human allegiance to their cause • It is taking people against their will, and often without their awareness, to support an interbreeding program designed to create a hybrid race and a new leadership who would be bonded to the "visitors." UFO, Alien, ET, Disclosure, "Disclosure Project", "Steven Greer", sirius, exopolitics, institute, government, moon, coverup, secrecy, truth, SETI, interview, documentary, "full documentary", original, "watch online", crop circle, abduction, implant, invasion, "space brothers", ascension, "galactic federation"

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