Postpartum issues: How to thrive in your relationship or marriage as a new mother

submitted by jojocohen on 06/09/15 1

joanneameyacohen/love-mama 1 in 9 relationships go through the ringer in postpartum. Meaning breakdowns or break-ups. You are exhausted, your hormones are recalibrating, you are tending to the needs of a baby, and learning the ropes of motherhood. You may not have the energy to put into your partner. Your partner might feel displaced and neglected. And communication ceases. It is important o make your relationship a priority. You and your partner are the foundation for your baby's life. It is ok to break down and cry or even get angry. In fact it is better to release these feelings than hold them in. Hear are a few helpful hints: Communication is KEY. Ask eachother what your needs are Hear eachother. Listen. Don't take anything personally -- you are both having a profound experience, in different ways so it is important to honor this. If you do these, you reduce your chances of becoming another statistic. Remember your love. If you like this tip and want to hear more, please visit: I have put together a 6 week course devoted to helping mothers flourish in motherhood, especially during the first 1-3 years postpartum. We have incredible guest experts sharing each week on their area of expertise from nutrition to core muscle health to herbs and flower essences to how to navigate through your relationship to helping to understand your partners experience. We start on July 10th and I invite you to join us. To sign up go to:

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