Breast issues?? How to create optimal breast health

submitted by jojocohen on 06/09/15 1 Q & A Wednesday August Dear Joanne, I am hoping that this question is one that you answer for your monthly videos. Breast cancer and fibrocystic tissue runs in my family. Are there suggestions for how to care for my breasts and keep them healthy? Thank you, Amy Yes, Amy this is a fantastic request. And I am happy to do this. According to the American Cancer Society, About 1 in 8 women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. And in 2013 alone, 232, 340 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women. It is the second leading cause of death amongst women This is a powerful and important topic. Here are 3 keys for maintaining breast health 3 Keys for Breast Health Eat only organic of grassfed animal products. A woman;s breast is made up mostly of fat tissue. When you eat animal products that are full with antibiotics or pesticides, these chemicals bioaccumulate in the fat tissue of our breasts. This is one reason why we have seen an increase in breast cancers over the last 40 years. Bioaccumulate means that your body doesn't get rid of something as quickly as it takes it in. Toxins in the blood can be peed or sweated out but in the fatty tissue it is much harder to release. And with each generation this build up increases. Breast Massage It is important to massage your breasts. Lymph nodes and vessels run around and into your breast tissue. In order for the lymph to circulate properly, it must be massaged. In one of my previous blogs, I shared about a massage oil that I have been making for years whose very intention is to stimulate the lymph and prevent breast damage. Also, massaging your breasts allows you to feel the tissue everyday. As usual, there is usually 1 if not more of my tips that is more emotionally centered. So, for today, my third tip is to reconnect with your breasts. Many women ignore or dislike their breasts. Maybe they are too small, too big, a friend or boyfriend insulted them at some point and you have never let that go. I invite you over the next few days to stand in front of the mirror and love your Breasts. Talk to them, hold them, come back into connection. They are a reflection of who you are as a woman. This might be challenging or easy. Either way, it is an invitation to get closer and closer to yourself. I would love to hear your comments. What do you think about creating more breast health? Can you pass this along to a woman in your life? This is an important topic. With so much Love! Joanne Ameya

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