How to Increase your Courage and Live from your Heart

submitted by jojocohen on 06/09/15 1 Today I want to talk about courage. Courage to me is one of the top qualities that are essential for me to live a life of my dreams. We all need courage. Courage to face our fears, courage to create new patterns and ways of being in the world, courage to deepen our intimacy and trust, courage to end relationships, courage to follow our passions, courage to heal our past. Life takes a significant amount of courage. Sometimes it can feel easier to ignore or suppress our fears or doubts or anxieties because to really change your current circumstances takes a lot of heart and soul, a lot of courage. There is something about this word that I absolutely love. Courage is a heart word. The root of the word courage is cor - the Latin word for heart. My most favorite flower essence for increasing your courage and helping you to act on the courage present within is Borage. Borage is a favorite for when you feel burdened by events and circumstances of life. When you feel overworked, trapped, feel that you are failing, and of course daily frustrations. Borage provides a feeling of presence, groundedness, embodiment, and braveheartedness so that you can move through whatever is surfacing in your life with ease grace and hope. Borage stimulates the movement of energies up and down in the system. This again helps with feeling more grounded and present while also enhancing your individuality and truth. You can buy borage at It does not interfere with any pharmaceuticals. You will feel really good taking this essence. So, do you desire more courage? And where in your life is this most needed? What holds you back from following your heart?

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