How to have a healthy menstrual cycle

submitted by jojocohen on 06/09/15 1 Welcome. Welcome... to another episode of WomanRising TV There is an epidemic of hormonal and reproductive health issues. Things you have heard of like fibroids or fertility challenges to maybe ones you haven't heard of like PCOS or amenorrhea. Painful periods, headaches and migraines, low libido, mood swings with irritability, chronic UTI's and yeast infections. The list goes on and on and on. Here is what happens for women. 1. They do nothing. They figure at some point things will shift or get better or they will deal with it later. 2. They go to their Dr and the Dr says that is nothing he/she can do or recommend birth control pill or more invasive techniques. None of these options create healing. And I know that you want to feel vibrant and live full-out. For me, when I hear stories from my clients or even women I meet at parties, I always get really curious. Why is this issue or symptom happening? And what is causing this? In my practice, I use a process that can pinpoint what is underneath the symptom. Is it bacteria? Parasites? Life Stress? Past trauma? Ancestral patterns? Infection? Touching into the root is the most important part of my work. If we can touch into this space and address the root cause, healing can emerge. When we treat your symptoms, even if using natural remedies, we will not get as far as I want... your health will plateau. That is not what we want. If you have heard parts of my story, you know that I suffered from painful cycles and chronic yeast infections. And trust me, I tried a lot. Herbs, rituals, visualizations, acupuncture, supplemetns. It wasn't until I started to work on my inner landscape and pain from the past that my symptoms cleared. It is like when you hurt yourself. You stub your toe, you twist your ankle. You immediately put your hands on that area and somehow that act alleviates some of the pain, at least in that initial moment. You are sending love. You are touching the wound. And that is what we do. I have countless stories of past and present clients in which symptoms were not disappearing and when we found where the tangled mess was and addressed from there, symptoms disappear. In the comments below, I would love to know if you have been struggling with a particular health issue and haven't seen much change or if you have experienced the plateau effect. How does that feel? Have you always felt that there was an emotional connection to your health but never verbalized it? How willing are you to get to the root cause?

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