How to naturally heal HPV

submitted by jojocohen on 06/09/15 1 January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. I am always amazed by how rarely women think of their feminine health... until something happens that makes them think about it! And I am amazed that most women have never felt their cervix, let alone seen it! I remember one of my first herbal teachers handing out speculums and a mirror and giving us a homework assignment to look at our cervix. I was amazed that I could even do this... I was 22 at the time and really excited. I went home that night and looked and over the past 14 years, I have asked my gynecologist to show me when she is giving me my annual exam. I am aware of the importance of her health. So, why is the cervix so important?? The cervix resides deep within our body... it is like the gateway to the uterus. It is also vulnerable to the most common Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) - the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The Pap smear tests for HPV and the abnormal cervical cells that it can cause. During a pap smear, your cervix can be seen but not the abnormal cells so a swab is taken and your cells are looked at under a microscope. When you get a regular Pap smears, most cases of cervical cancer can be prevented through early detection of abnormal cells and prompt treatment. HPV is a virus that 70% of women and men will come in contact with during their life, and luckily, 80-90% of those cases will be healed by the body's immune system alone. That's right, without any treatment at all. In fact, because it is a virus, the immune system has amazing capabilities in healing... and yes, there are some incredible herbs to use if you have been informed that you have HPV. Most often Dr's recommend a LEEP and often, it is too aggressive. As I have said, most of the time, the body can heal on its own. If you are thinking of getting pregnant in the future, make sure to check out alternative options. There is a company called Avena Botanicals that creates an amazing product called Immune Soup that is loaded with organic herbs and mushrooms. You can take the herbs for 6-8 weeks and generally your body will kill the virus. This is a suggestion. An abnormal Pap smear is the body's way of telling us that something is out of balance. And just so you know, you can test positive for HPV years after the infection has taken place. And tell us, how do you love your cervix? Do you go for annual exams? Do you schedule a pap smear for every 3 years? Have you ever had an abnormal pap smear and did you know that there are alternatives to LEEP procedures or biopsies? Lets love up our cervixes! If you want more information about how to increase your hormonal health, go to and sign up for my newsletters where I provide tips, videos, and practices to create vibrant feminine health.

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