In this tutorial, we'll walk you through all of the functionality and capabilities of the Jmobile™ app from Jeunesse. There are LOTS of things you can do to build and manage your Jeunesse business, using this app on your mobile device. CORRECTION: In this video around the 4:30 mark I mention the 10 Best: This is your Top 10 prospects. The people who are most successful. These are the people who would be the most capable distributors, should they choose to enroll. - They may already own their own business - Know a lot of people - Are proactive, self starters, and financially successful Your 10 Easiest are the top 10 people who will take a look at something just because you've asked them to. - You have a close relationship with them - Would come to your house just because you invited them - Would join your business just because you did Please refer to your "GAMEPLAN" inside of your Jkit for information.