www.UofnKona.edu/voice Truth ignites justice. Now people of passion and skill are gathering to become a Voice for the Voiceless. From the media advocacy innovators who launched: • Voice for the Voiceless • Hakani • Act Here Love Now • and the human trafficking film: Sex & Money--a national search for human worth Now comes a new initiative: the Voice for the Voiceless DTS [Discipleship Training School]. This dynamic partnership between photogenX and Grassroots News offers a rigorous discipleship and media journey to stand against injustice and voice the cause of the voiceless through media advocacy initiatives and news reporting. Arrival day: January 5, 2012 Your challenge begins as a Grassroots journalist, telling the stories from the big island of Hawaii and soon from the ends of the earth. Throughout the time in Kona, Hawaii students will have training and assignments in media production. You will be challenged in shooting footage and still photos, editing news reports, getting interviews and producing newscasts from the Innovision studio, a technologically advanced TV studio with green-screen, sound booth, master control and video board. Acclaimed journalists, photographers, documentary filmmakers and photographers will share hard-earned keys for effective storytelling through media. Veterans from Grassroots News, Resonate News and photogenX will be there to honestly evaluate your projects and encourage you as you progress. We accept journalists, photographers and media production workers on all levels (beginners to advanced). Perfect justice and mercy is only found in Jesus. In him we see God's limitless love casting out fear, corruption, poverty and disease. The Voice for the Voiceless DTS will be your time to pursue the Creator God and live out His divine purposes in both words and deeds. Much of our conversation and prayer will be focused on justice and compassion as we are equipped to better engage our world. Acquiring this training and experience in news reporting and capturing visual media will prepare you for your overseas missions journey; because no one can see the world transformed till we see it as it is. Core content of the Discipleship Training School: The Voice for the Voiceless DTS is an intense residential training course that begins with 12-weeks of training, followed by an 8-12 week missions journey. In the first 12 weeks of the school, world-class speakers, teachers, authors and journalists will talk about knowing God, making Him known and taking action in our world. The Voice for the Voiceless DTS is designed for those who care about the injustice of our world, want to know God more and are eager to use their gifts and talents to make a difference. The Voice for the Voiceless DTS is geared towards 18-30 year olds. Equipment: The only equipment REQUIREMENT we have is an HD video capable Micro 4/3 camera (more options here) or a Digital SLR (Canon T3 or better is encouraged). Additional lenses, bodies, accessories are your prerogative. The 8-12 Week Field Assignment: Missions OutreachBefore you arrive, your staff will have researched locations, prayed and prepared plans to present to you by the third week of the training phase. They will give you time to pray about your options and you will then tell them where you feel the Lord is guiding you for your outreach. During the training phase you will have time with your team to prepare for your mission (outreach). During the 8-12 week field assignment you may find yourself in any number of developing nations or urban centers serving the needy, encouraging others and bringing urgent situations to light through the media you capture. Photography DTS outreach Overseas Outreach The possibilities are endless, but as your team begins to live out love practically in the margins of society, you have the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned of capturing media--and of how to give the disenfranchised a voice! As a DTS outreach is short-term in nature, these outreaches could be used as possible springboards for long-term Voice for the Voiceless initiatives. Course Dates + Fees: The next Voice for the Voiceless DTS will run January 5, 2012 - June 15th 2012. Fees for the 12-week training phase of the school are $3,995 (includes room, board, tuition, and books). There are significant fee discounts for students coming from developing nations, please contact us to inquire about fees if this applies to you. Fees for the 12-week field assignment are an estimated $4,000-$6,000 (includes airfares, transportation, housing and food). Meet Your DTS Coordinators In the last nine years Jeff R. has led media DTS teams across China, Central America, Eastern Europe, Brazil and the US. After a start with designing CGI graphics for an ABC affiliate he has since worked in scripting, shooting and editing media productions on five continents. Having developed many websites for non-profits and bus