A song that reviews the concepts of the Water Cycle. Evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Good one for Eath day. You can see my other science resources at: sciencepoems.net Lyrics: Evaporation, Condensation, Back to Earth as precipitation, A world-wide water, celebration, Share fresh water with every nation! Water cycle, water cycle, Bring fresh water to me, Water cycle, water cycle, Fills the lakes, the streams, and the seas... The Sun's the cycle's driving engine, Starts up water's EVAPORATION Cools in air, CONDENSATION Rain, sleet snow, PRECIPITATION! Water cycle, water cycle, Bring fresh water to me, Water cycle, water cycle, Fills the lakes, the streams and the seas... Fills up lakes, and streams, and seas, Wets the land for plants and trees, From rat to bat,From plant and seed, It's every living things basic need! Water cycle, water cycle, Bring fresh water to me, Water cycle, water cycle, Fills the lakes, streams and seas... H20 cycles, In every clime, Same water's been around, Since Jurassic times! You help keep our water fresh, But we gotta do our part, Not to make a mess! Water cycle, water cycle, It's fresh water you give, Water cycle, water cycle, Living things need you to live... Water cycle, water cycle It's fresh water you give, Water cycle, water cycle, Living things need you to live...