Is it worth it to go for a bachelors degree in Biology? What kind of jobs can you get with it? I have been in the divison of undergrad studies for two years, I need to pick a major. What are you leaning towards, other than the door? Well I am considering Biology. What can you do with a biology degree? well, a lot of people who have biology degrees go on to become doctors. Doctor, yeah I am a budding gynecologist ha ha. Yeah, just joking I have considered that... Of course, you can also become a researcher of some type. You could also be a Wildlife Biologist or a Zoologist. Biology is a really versatile degree. There is also teaching of course. Yeah, I know that it is. I think it might be the degree for me...Dr. Ray the gynecologist ha ha. Yeah, well there is working in a lab of course. Most of the good jobs require advanced training though. More school is not that exciting. Yeah, but think of the rewards Ray. You get a master's degree or doctorate in bio and you will be making big bucks. Man, maybe I will just be a lab tech. Maybe after I recover from my bachelors degree I could go on for more school. Well, take a few minutes to research careers before you definitely pick a major. Biology is not going to be a simple degree to get. There is a lot of lab work, and a lot of science courses. Well yeah, I took the first labs, they were hard. Maybe I should study something simpler like becoming a shop teacher. That is entirely up to you my friend. I have to make some kind of decision though in the next few weeks. Well, if you think you want Biology, talk to people in the Biology department. Maybe if I visualize Dr. Ray Kraft OBGYN it will help. Talk yourself into it hun? I like Biology, but not so much work.