Fisheries Economics & Policy: Territorial Use Rights Fisheries

submitted by lubusam on 05/10/15 1

This video is a part of Conservation Strategy Fund's collection of environmental economic lessons and was made possible thanks to the support of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation. This series is for individuals who want to learn - or review - the basic economics of conservation. This video looks at territorial use rights fisheries and the costs and benefits involved for both the fishermen and the environment. The Fisheries Economics & Policy series will cover management strategies to preserve fishing in the long term and will include concepts such as open access, common pool resources, tragedy of the commons, maximum economic yield, taxes and subsidies, reducing effort, territorial use rights, transferable quotas and externalities. To follow this series, subscribe to our YouTube channel. For more information on these and other trainings from Conservation Strategy Fund, check out:

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