10 of the DEADLIEST DINOSAURS (and deadliest ancient MARINE REPTILES) that ever lived!

submitted by Taylor Jones on 05/09/15 1

10 of the DEADLIEST DINOSAURS (and deadliest ancient MARINE REPTILES) that ever lived! Basically this is a list of the 10 most extraordinary predatory creatures of our Earth's distant past... ...including some of the biggest, fastest and most dangerous dinosaurs and ancient marine animals of all time! 10. Deinonychus This fast and aggressive specimen makes the infamous Velociraptor look like a puny chicken... The producers of Jurassic Park actually based their over-sized version of a Velociraptor on the Deinonychus because it was bigger and better. Deinonychus was a skillful predator possessing a deadly sickle claw and a bite force greater than any living carnivorous mammal. 9. Majungasaurus These 20 foot long one-ton theropods are thought to have preyed on their own kind... Meaning they were ruthless cannibals, at least part of the time. The rest of the time they are thought to have... ...hunted sauropods, using their supremely strong head, neck and jaws to bite and hold and subdue their gigantic prey. 8. Sarcosuchus At about twice the length and around 10 times the weight of the largest crocodiles living today... Sarcosuchus is quite simply the king of crocodiles, and quite rightly and widely referred to as Super Croc. It was thought large and deadly enough perhaps to lunge from a river at a fully grown sauropod and drag it into the water for a feast. 7. Troodon Deadliness needn't always be a matter of size or bite force. The relatively slightly built Troodon thrived as a predator... Due to its large brain, sharp sense of smell, excellent binocular vision, and swift bipedal motion... Given the reasonable presumption that these creatures hunted as a pack, Troodon truly were a predator to be feared. 6. Utahraptor The mighty Utahraptor was a killing machine -- with its awesome 13 inch claws doing most of the damage... With adult specimens weighing nearly a ton -- significantly larger than a Deinonychus -- the Utahraptor was the giant of all raptors... Speed, size and enlarged meat-shredding sickle-shaped claws made this dinosaur a most formidable foe. 5. Kronosaurus Taking its name from the leader of the Greek Titans, this majestic carnivore grew to in excess of 10 meters (33 feet)... Possessing many long, sharp, conical teeth and a muscular and powerful body -- including a specially adapted pelvic girdle... The massive Kronosaurus could speed through water attacking and eating virtually anything that crossed its path. 4. Tyrannosaurus Rex Many may have expected the famed and awesome T.Rex to have rated as the No. 1 deadliest dinosaur of all time... And while it certainly had hulking size, terrifying teeth and an extraordinarily powerful bone crushing bite force... Its lumbering lack of pace, ineffectual arms and stability issues mean there are in fact 3 more deadlier dinosaurs to come. 3. Giganotosaurus One of the largest terrestrial carnivores of all time, Giganotosaurus is thought capable of taking down the largest land animal ever known, Argentinosaurus. And expert skeletal analysis suggests that it may have been able to run at speeds of up to twice that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Its massive size -- larger than a T. Rex -- combined with speed and formidable bite force means this specimen was a truly magnificent predator. 2. Carcharodontosaurus This gigantic "great white shark lizard" weighed up to 15 tonnes and had 8 inch long serrated teeth... Like its closely related cousin Giganotosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus is thought to have been significantly faster than a T. Rex. Slightly larger than Giganotosaurus and with enormous jaws and longer and more effective arms, means this deadly behemoth earns a silver medal. 1. Spinosaurus The incredible Spinosaurus measured up to 18 metres in length (59 ft) and weighed as much as 21 tonnes (46,000 pounds)! Significantly larger than the next biggest terrestrial predator, Spinosaurus was remarkably fast and agile (much faster than a scavenger T. Rex)... And as an "advanced theropod", they were smarter and more cunning than a Carcharodontosaurus or a Giganotosaurus. Possessing colossal size, speed and the biggest and baddest set of claws ever known means that... Spinosaurus was the deadliest dinosaur that ever lived! The music -- called "Post-Apocalyptic World" -- was composed by Ultrasonic.

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