Health Coach - Get Nutritional Health Coaching at When you find a health coach, it is important to ask several questions. These are the questions I ask myself about my health coach. 1. Do I get a long with this person? 2. Will I respect what this person tells me when giving me advice? 3. Does this person motivate me? 4. Does this person look healthy to me? 5. Will I be able to work with this personal health coach? 6. Does this health coach give good advice? 7. Does this health and wellness coach make small changes that are easily implemented into my life? These are some other questions that you should ask your health coach. 1. What is their background? 2. Has your personal holistic health coach had any personal health issues that they resolved with health coaching? 3. Do they look for natural means to solve problems first? 4. Do they work with other health coaches when they need to find answers? 5. How did they become a health coach? 6. Do they go beyond health, into some lifecoaching? 7. What is their fitness coach background? Your relationship with your health coach can be a very rare relationship. You end up with someone that is invested in your good health, and that is there to guide you through getting the most out of your nutritional program, and cares about your well being. These questions should help you to get started on some sort of program! You can find out more at Or feel free to contact me! find a health coach find a life coach fitness coach health and wellness coaching health coach health coaches holistic health coach integrative health coach personal health coach your health coach lifecoaching health coach system