Directed by: Anji Crain "Here, Now and Then" is an animated urban fairy tale told through the movement of its star dancers. A young suburban dreamer, a restless big city architect and a unknowingly mystical vixen from a forest playground clash together on NY city street and discover that they are intrinsically connected. "Here, Now and Then" uncovers the underlying electric energy that is always around us - if only we chose to see it. and are unwillingly thrown into an entwined dark alley duet. As they fight to escape each other they are hit with the realization that they are intrinsically bound as figments of their former/future selves. The interaction between the dreamer, the artist and the mystic evolves to a comfortable recognition of full circle foresight; that all is in it's place. Each one returns to their respective environments with a new found presence and determination. Though the film ends with a positive outlook, the feel is more solemn and dark with a mystical tone. Performers: Virgil Gadson Jason Herbert Emma Krauss Director of Photography: Josh Mckie