P90X2 Review - Cindy lost weight and got in shape with X2!

submitted by R4UF on 04/01/15 1

Subscribe:goo.gl/mgDrPi P90X2 Review - Cindy made the most of what she had and started with the modifications in the X2 workout! When Cindy saw her Day 1 photo next to her Day 90 photo, she was blown away. At first, she couldn't do a lot of the moves, but in the X2 workouts, there are different people at different levels. X2 shows modifications throughout the entire program. Cindy modified to stay in the game and she finished strong! You can modify too and get the same results as Cindy! What are you waiting for? ▶Facebook: Facebook.com/P90X2 ▶Twitter: Twitter.com/P90X2 ▶Instagram: Instagram.com/BeachbodyHQ ▶Pinterest: Pinterest.com/Beachbody/P90X2 ▶Google+: Plus.google.com/+p90x2 P90X2 will change the way you work out...forever. P90X2 delivers the kind of results pro athletes insist on, in just 90 days. Not by making you work harder...but by helping you work smarter. With a breakthrough in applied sports science called Muscle Integration, you'll engage all of your muscles with every move, delivering the same kind of training pro-athletes pay thousands of dollars for, all within 12 extreme workouts. Instead of working one muscle group at a time, with P90X2, you'll do resistance moves on one foot, a ball, or some other unstable platform. Because your body is forced to maintain stability as you lift, more muscles are engaged with each movement. You'll fire your abs, glutes, hamstrings -- and an entire chain of muscles you may not even know how to pronounce. This is how you work your entire body in one move. As one unit. P90X2 Review X2 Workout

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