Dhaka slum kids dance to 'Shake It Off'

submitted by Maria Cristina Foundation on 03/12/15 1

Maria Cristina Foundation has been empowering the slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh since 2005. When recession hit, around 21 of our installations, that included a school, pre-school, nursery, dental centre, beauty centre, sewing centre and a lot more had to shut down due to lack of funds. Maria Conceicao (Founder) was able to place 200 of the children from the foundation in private schools in Dhaka for this academic year. Currently our efforts are focussed on clearing the dues for the school as well as medical, rent, food, school transport, school meals, uniforms, shoes, toiletries, fans, beds, furniture, tutoring and anything and everything a child and their family needs to survive. If we don’t pay the schools USD 200,000 by December, the children will be forced to go back on the streets. Please share our appeal, help them stay in school. Donate now: www.justgiving.com/yimby/needtoread To know more about the foundation: www.facebook.com/MariaCristinaFoundation mariacristinafoundation.org/

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