Homelessness is a tough issue no matter how you slice it. It's difficult to know what to do with Homeless people, except that Jesus' example would show that we see homeless people as our neighbor. www.transcendchurch.org/homelessness.php Further, Jesus would reveal that we should not just love our neighbor(s) but love them as our selves. www.transcendchurch.org/homelessness.php Homelessness is one of the 6 reasons you should not go to Transcend Church Harrisburg. Because we seek to love our homeless neighbors. More than that, we partner with Isaiah 61 Homeless ministries to go serve meals to homeless people. Still more than that, we seek to invite those same people that we serve to church on Sundays, and we drive a bus to go get them. If you think Transcend Church's desire to serve the Homeless and bring them to church is something refreshing that may interest you about Church - why don't you visit us on September 21st. Check out this page, and we'd like to give you a gift that helps give some insights into our love for the homeless so, check out this page and pick a free gift, then sign up to visit us in Harrisburg PA, on September 21st at 8000 Derry St. Harrisburg PA 17111 www.transcendchurch.org/homelessness.php