Internet Governance: What’s at Stake?

submitted by Internet Education Foundation on 02/02/15 1

State of The Internet 2015 at the Newseum, Washington DC on January 25 2015. PANEL: Internet Governance: What’s at Stake? The intense scrutiny of the IANA transition illustrates how much things have changed in the Internet governance. We seem to recall that during our “Internet governance” breakout panel at the 1st annual State of the Net Conference (over a decade ago) the speakers almost outnumbered the attendees. Now more and more businesses, governments, advocates, citizens, law enforcement agencies, the military and NGOs are recognizing that the stakes involved in the evolution of the Internet governance framework could be absolutely enormous. The truly breathtaking part of this evolution is that it is not quite clear what path it will take and how it will turn out. With regard to the Internet, it simply has never been done before. SPEAKERS: John Carr, Senior Expert Adviser, United Nations (International Telecommunication Union) Rick Lane, Sr. Vice President, Govt. Affairs, 21st Century Fox James Andrew Lewis, Director and Senior Fellow, Strategic Technologies Program, Center for Strategic & Informational Studies Mike Montgomery, Executive Director, CALinnovates MODERATOR Shane Tews, Visiting Fellow, American Enterprise Institute BIOS EVENT HOST: Internet Education Foundation - SPONSORS WEBCAST SPONSOR / PROVIDER Internet Society - ADDITIONAL VIDEO New Media Mill LLC - #2859b-02

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