Woah cool Timeless, Infinite Light just released a poetry chapbook by Olive Blackburn! The book is called "Communism is up there and we are down here but it is happening now" And holy smokes! It's so good! So strange! So real! So funny! So wild! So everything! Here is a description of the book: "Communism is better than communists. Blackburn writes of the necessary demand for partisanship and its uncomfortable relation to aesthetic norms. Her negative humor refuses to tip easily into despair, however close to the edge it approaches. Here is "communist ecstasy for recovering defeatists." If you swap the word feminism, it's still true and different. It's the same." - BUY A COPY ON THE INTERNET HERE: squareup.com/market/timeless-infinite-light/communism-is-up-there-and-we-are-down-here-but-it-is-happening-now. PROTAGONIST: Jennifer Williams ANTAGONISTS: Judy Bals & Justin Carder FLOATING HEAD OF A YOUTHFUL JEFF GOLDBLUM: Otis Pig AUDIO: Evan Hashi FILM CREW: Emji Spero, Otis Pig, Zoe Rosenblum MUSIC: Fears, Mega Bog