Wat Tyler's Revenge (Part 1/8)- Shadow Government Television

submitted by King on 01/25/15 1

Shadow Government Television (SGTV) is a potent mix of news, music and political satire. "Wat Tyler's Revenge" (WTR) is their first show, produced in 2003 by documentary filmmaker Sterling Rainbolt. It takes on issues too incendiary to be covered in the lame-stream corporate media such as the government cover up of the events of 9/11 and the real motives behind aggressive north-American foreign policy. It begins with a split-screen showing the chaos in New York on 9/11 as the President of the United States, George W. Bush, continued chatting with second-grader's in Florida's Booker Elementary School for twenty minutes after he's told the nation is under attack. Some of the footage in this first segment (Parts 1 e 2) includes tough questions from 9/11 victims families, made in the Unanswered Questions Press Conference in D.C. June, 2002. These questions remain unanswered today. "Wat Tyler's Revenge" also contains the first and third part of Barrie Zwicker's path breaking documentary "The Great Deception" (see Part 3 and 6 of WTR), which was the first televised challenge to the 9/11 official narrative, aired in Canada in early 2002; and two short videos from Pirate Video (Part 4). In addition, WTR documents some north-American anti-war activism from 2002 (when the pro-war propaganda machine was escalating for the US invasion of Iraq): Women in Black vigils in Seattle (Part 5); and the first of numerous protests against the Iraq War in Washington D.C., attended by over 100,000 people (Part 7). WTR is named after a 14th Century English commoner who led a rebellion challenging Richard II. The guests and reports of SGTV also include Tom Flocco, Kyle Hence, Sander Hicks, John Judge, Mindy Kleinberg, Kirsten Breitweiser, Julie Sweeney, Darril Bodley, Mary Schiavo, Guerrilla News Network TV Team, Pirate TV, Mike Ruppert, Catherine Austin-Fitts, M27 Coalition, DeceptionDollar.com, SIGA Canada, Ashcroftiswatchingyou.com (Complacent), and many more. Shadow Government Television is produced by the Global Free Press online community. moteparamotim.blogspot.com/2008/04/wat-tylers-revenge.html Wat Tyler's Revenge is divided in 8 parts: Part 1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=duQ80i6TKXE Part 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aH8UGpHeIs Part 3: www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4uwm5C72cI Part 4: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQkOO3dzbD8 Part 5: www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZhvxlw5ukg Part 6: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmIgcWO0oTI Part 7: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7brKSf-S98 Part 8 (Final Credits + "Osama is a Bush" Trailer): www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCkhtivJDEU

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