2005 Documentary - Naked Science Season 2 - Surviving Nature's Fury Naked Science is an American documentary television series that premiered in 2004 on the National Geographic Channel. The programme features various subjects related to science and technology. Surviving Nature's Fury - Human beings now travel the globe, to some of the most remote and hostile regions, and in doing so come up against the most deadly weather, violent storms that can rip a person to shreds, floods that carry them away and drown them and blizzards that can freeze an individual to death. But extreme weather can also seek us out. Tornados and flash floods have no regard for society and can destroy whole communities, freezing weather can descend on cities and lightning can strike in the very heart of towns. Naked Science will seek out those incredible individuals who have survived the worst that Mother Nature can throw at them and ask the question; what is the deadliest weather that a human being can survive?