The story of a seven-year-old boy who is led to believe there is a portal to an alternate reality where all his dreams come true. However, the boy quickly realizes that Xemoland is not the place of his dreams, but of his nightmares. Programme'rs Note: Up-and-coming animator Daniel Cardenas's autobiographical nostalgia piece is sure to please and astound anyone who grew up in the early 1990s, especially those who remember the very specific torture that can only be inflicted by teenage older brothers. Complemented by a seamlessly flowing, cartoon-style visual approach that puts the viewer at ease, "Xemoland" effortlessly captures the spirit and imagination of what it's like to be a kid at that age with a kind of wit and wisdom that captivated the short-film programmers. Be sure to check out Cardenas's online web series at for more inventive animated creations.