ScapeGoat is the Award Winning 10 minute Short Film hailing from Cape Town, South Africa. The film tells the story of a young man, Coby, who is traveling in Africa, when suddenly he accidentally hits and kills the goat of a tribal chief's son. The two young men must then venture together to find a new goat - and encounter countless misadventures along the way. It's a comedic tale of two friends, Africa, and a goat named Fluffy. Not to be missed! The film was also made in 7 days as part of the 168 Hour speed film festival. Winner of the "Best Comedy" and "Best Comedy Screenplay", it scooped up all the awards it was nominated for! Directed by: John DeVries Produced by: John DeVries, Howard James Fyvie and Nevil Sandama Written by: Daniel Morcos, Matt Raubenheimer, John Devries and Howard James Fyvie Starring: Mfihlakalo Mazwembe (Sizwe) Kyle Peters (American Tourist)