Ursula Knaeusel's interest in cooking began at the age of three under the tutelage of her grandmother in Halle/Saale, Germany. "Grandma's philosophy was, if you behave, you can help in the kitchen." This self-made woman escaped from East Germany in 1952 with little more than optimism and a love of cooking, traits that continue to serve her well. Ursula acquired her cooking expertise through studying, cooking and teaching all over Europe, the United States and Central America. Ursula is the founder and operator of Ursula's Cooking School, Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia. From a mere five students on opening day in 1971, the school soon grew to become the nation's largest independent cooking school. Ursula has since taught over 500 students every quarter. First Lady Rosalynn Carter was one of her former students. www.ursulacooks.com www.youtube.com/user/UrsulasCookingSchool