UPDATE: I'm excited to announce the release of my NEW Canning DVD: At Home Canning For Beginners & Beyond, sponsored by All American Canners. Support me with your purchase at Amazon.com: www.amazon.com/Home-Canning-For-Beginners-Beyond/dp/B00GQABW7I/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1388354869&sr=8-3&keywords=canning+dvd www.newlifeonahomestead.com: Pressure canning really isn't as hard as it sounds! In this video I break it down, step by step, so you can see just how simple it really is! You need a pressure canner when preserving low acid foods, such as meats, seafood, and most veggies. (Oh, I mentioned that I thought the canner would hold 14 pints, but it's actually 19 pints.)