Download The ONES by N.I.F.T.Y. Nifty and Kay C of the Nifty Christian Radio Show ( ) share their approaching story with approach2link. Watch to find out why Nifty encourages men to purposefully delay asking a woman for their number. It worked for him (he's married) and he tells you how this action can work for you. "Woman are more comfortable talking to men in places that they're comfortable; like church, or an interest activity, or approach2link events...I think if it is a repeat thing and there is no rush to get (her number), that's the safer route to go." - Nifty on "The Approach" series. INITIATIVE "The Approach" is a new youtube series that Approach2link would like to launch March 2012. It is a new series that will interview couples sharing their experience of how they met, particularly their approaching story. REASON FOR INITIATIVE A lot of women and men believe that it's so hard to meet new people and we find that men and woman don't know the whole concept of approaching someone and being more approachable. As result they make excuses for the approach not happening. THE GOAL The goal of this series, is to show singles couples who clearly had a successful approach and how they overcame the hurdle.