Have you ever felt like no one's listening to you? Do you think it's fair...? No Oxfam doesn't either. That's why Raising Her Voice www.oxfam.org.uk/raisinghervoice Oxfam's global programme of work to support women's political voice, participation and leadership has been changing this, so that for millions of women worldwide, when it comes to taking decisions, they have as much say as the next person. Watch our 87 second animation (by Cognitive, the creative geniuses behind the RSA Animate series) showing not only why it's a good thing for women to have an equal say in decision making, but that it really is possible. Share it: with your networks and friends Find out more: Visit www.oxfam.org.uk/raisinghervoice and raisinghervoice.ning.com Support Oxfam: and help us, and the women activists, organisations and movements worldwide with whom we work to continue raising women's voices. For millions more... and counting. www.oxfam.org.uk/donate