CELEBRATE Our Navajo Women who took on the Washington R*dskins

submitted by notyourmascots on 10/17/14 1

Victory lap tonight on the track at Hart Park in Wauwatosa celebrating today's U.S. Patent Office rebuke of the Washington R*dskins team name. #ProudToBe Menominee, Ojibwe, Anishinaabe, Stockbridge-Munsee-Mohican, Oneida, Potawatomi, Ho-Chunk, and Bad River together to say we are #NotYourMascot #NFL

"When the status of a Native American is demoted to that of a caricature, we are objectified and diminished as a people. We become entertainment, not fellow citizens. How are you supposed to take me seriously if all you see is the stereotypical image of the Hollywood or sports mascot Indian?"

- Simon Moya-Smith

#NotYourMascot Overpass Light Brigade IdleNoMore Wisconsin

bit.ly/1nmiqDz — with John Epple, Val Kempen, Jay Bennett, Kelly Omaeqnomenew Waupoose Murphy, Bill Babich, Sarah LittleRedfeather Kalmanson, William P Martin, Ronnie Long and Gloria Rodriguez

Photos by LittleRedfeather, C.M. DeSpears, and OLB's Joe Brusky
Song by A Tribe Called Red - Electric Pow Pow, and the beat is banging with celebration

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