We bring you another exclusive behind the scenes look into a photographer's world. In this episode, we are with professional photographer Camille Seaman. Camille has been using both digital and film cameras for years; she has been capturing the beauty of natural environments for over a decade. Join us for a look behind the scenes as Camille shows off her arsenal of photo gear. Camille Seaman has been featured on TED: www.ted.com/speakers/camille_seaman More of her work can be seen here: www.camilleseaman.com/Artist.asp?ArtistID=3258&Akey=WX679BJN&ajx=1 Visit our site: www.silberstudios.tv/ FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/marcsilbershow GOOGLE +: bit.ly/Y95TGT TWITTER: twitter.com/AYPShow RSS SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly/Z39VVl