Race The Tube - Hong Kong One crazy runner in London decided to see if he could beat the underground tube from one stop to the next Now we are taking this challenge and made for an exhilarating video too. 英國一名地鐵乘客與倫敦地鐵列車鬥快,證明走路可以跟乘搭地鐵一樣快,我們也於香港做了同一個測試,製作成短片和大家分享。 Youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6b5XTjj4vw Youku 优酷 v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzg3MzU5ODI0.html Race the Tsuen Wan Line from Mong Kok to a Prince Edward Impressed by the underground EPIC Challenge. We made the HK version as respect. Original Video Race The Tube - Sprint www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH_Z8Ghuq6E Race The Tube - Endurance www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqWYoktRl0A #racethetube #MTR #HongKong #Mongkok #PrinceEdward #EpicChallenge #EpicFail #epic #RunningTube #港鐵 #旺角 #太子 #香港