URGENT A Call To Service

submitted by maxplayer on 09/14/14 1

URGENT A Call To Service!! Mark Bakers YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/user/bakersgreenacres Mark Baker's web site: bakersgreenacres.com Read the lies here, right from the tyrannical Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources. The MDNR is a Federal and State funded Department that is attacking the Michigan small family farmers so that Big Corporations can have "ZERO" competition!! Not only zero competition but also to control where "YOU", a freedom loving American, get your food from!! www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153-10370_12145_55230---,00.html Watch the interview below with Mark Baker and myself when I drove out to his home and did the report live on his farm!! ~~ Baker's Green Acres Attacked By The DNR (US GOV'T) www.youtube.com/watch?v=rofec8cM6WE --------------------------------- Follow Me, Click On These Links: Please feel free to check out OUR NEW SITE!! vera-causa.net www.facebook.com/pages/vera-causanet/1420429808210849 twitter.com/VeraCausaNet www.youtube.com/user/kazvswild plus.google.com/u/0/112884617482589244738/posts www.youtube.com/user/freedom4kaz plus.google.com/u/0/113543377275127919986/posts www.youtube.com/user/freedom4kaz2 plus.google.com/u/0/115399050446520377586/post www.youtube.com/user/ChemtrailSunsets plus.google.com/u/0/106087252397523011722/posts Freespeak.net www.freespeak.net/profile-67/ On Skype at freedom4kaz ------------------------------------- This video was sped up 1/2 of a percent for timely reasons.

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