9/11 Truth A Big Step Forward!! NSA Whistleblower Supports 9/11 Truth - William Binney and Richard Gage on GRTV William Binney was a 30 year veteran official of the National Security Agency who resigned in October 2001 to blow the whistle on the NSA’s deliberate violation of the constitution. Now, 13 years after the events of 9/11 that helped the NSA justify its total surveillance dragnet, Binney has signed the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth’s petition calling for a new investigation into 9/11. Today we talk to Richard Gage, founder of AE911Truth.org, and William Binney himself, about this petition, its significance, and the ongoing quest for 9/11 truth and justice. www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fMWttcQ5hg Here is some 9/11 TRUTH for ya. A 40 Story build burns for 28 hours, from top to bottom, and doesn't even start to lean. Yet Building 7 fell into it's own footprint in 6.5 seconds after only having a few small fires throughout the entire building. www.youtube.com/watch?v=eH3VhECc_V0 Related Materials The New 9/11 ~ September 11 2014 www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbZH2oGvWb4 Obama Cameron Push For NWO Coalition Against ISIS www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjMjn9olwWs Survival Training Skills Will Save Your Life During SHTF!! Kaz vs Wild Survival Camp Season 5 One cannot express the importance of survival training. Each and every year we as Americans see and watch people struggling to survive after some type of disaster. The reason so many struggle? Not being prepared for it. This alone can cause your death in a SHTF situation. Not being prepared physically and or mentally is the greatest reason people die. Kaz vs Wild 5 Sept. 21 - 27 in Frankfort Michigan www.youtube.com/watch?v=UecIllsVdT0 Follow Me, Click On These Links: Please feel free to check out OUR NEW SITE!! vera-causa.net www.facebook.com/pages/vera-causanet/1420429808210849 twitter.com/VeraCausaNet www.youtube.com/user/kazvswild plus.google.com/u/0/112884617482589244738/posts www.youtube.com/user/freedom4kaz plus.google.com/u/0/113543377275127919986/posts www.youtube.com/user/freedom4kaz2 plus.google.com/u/0/115399050446520377586/post www.youtube.com/user/ChemtrailSunsets plus.google.com/u/0/106087252397523011722/posts Freespeak.net www.freespeak.net/profile-67/ On Skype at freedom4kaz tags 2012, red, war, change, youtube, America, minecraft, california, texas, university, college, beach, survival, zombie ,obama, jesus,9/11, baby, documentary, japan, irs, football, baseball, fight, love, sun, love, girl, girls, the sun, earth, world, GMO, water, moon, rain, snow, air, bob, death, gun, guns, planet, hunting, time, firearms, garden, self reliant, off grid, China, America, obama, 9/11, zombie, survival, bioweapons, geoengineering, climate change, minecraft, constitution, nasa, haarp, japan, elenin, nibiru, fema, economy, documentary, beach, sunset times, dave canterbury, david canterbury, the pathfinder school, wildernessoutfitters, thepatriotnurse, sigma3survivalschool, ultimatesurvivaltips, Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, ChangeDaChannel, bush craft, survival skills, historical lore, primitive skills, archery, hunting, trapping, fishing, navigation, knives, axes, fire, water, shelter, search and rescue